Saturday 24 December 2011

The importance of health And Safety Programes

The successful occupational health & safety programmes and practises lead to achieve accident free working environment and it encompasses the social,mental, physical well being of workers.So the employers and employees must be Prentice good & quality occupational safety &health management programmes.And in this program must includes the consideration of issue relating occupational medicine industrial hygiene ,toxicological studies,conduct educational awareness programmes & arrange good safety  more ever good engineering ,ensure ergonomics of work place.

                 It is the responsibilities of the employers , workers & trade unions for ensure good health & safety .If you can possible, work place hazards are  are controlled at the sores Keep records of every exposures .&both workers and employers are informed about HSE risk in the work place.Create a effective &active health and safety committee.It includes equal participation from employers& employees.Effective health &safety programmes can save employers a grate deal of money.more ever it help to save the lives of workers,increase productivity and morale of workers.

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