Vapurising Liquids
The halogenated hydrocarbon used for extinguishing fires have the property of vaporizing readily when heated and are , there fore generally known as vaporizing liquids.They form a dense heavier than air ,cloud of non flammable vapor which use only blanket fire but also interferes with the chemical reaction of flame propagation in the burning materials .Vaporizing liquids are non conductors of electricity & does not damage electronic equipments.Their Great draw back is their toxicity.Some well known extinguishing media such as CTC & Methyl Bromide have been withdrawn from use due to their toxicity. Freon type vaporizing liquids are presently used as they are less toxic.The most common substance used are Bromochloro Difluro methane (BCF)Bromotri Fluro methane(BTM).
Halogenated extinguishing agents are hydrocarbon in which are more halogen atoms have been replaced by atoms from the halogen series.The replacement confirms non -flammability & Flame extinguishing property to many of the resulting compounds.The use of halogenated hydro carbons as fireTextinguishing media is not permitted in accommodation and living spaces.Halon produce some adverse effect on the atmosphere.It cause depletion of the ozone layer.It is partially responsible for the noticeable warning of the earths atmosphere .Now a days Halon is almost replaced by FM 200(HEPTA FLURO PROPANE).
Halogenated extinguishing agents are hydrocarbon in which are more halogen atoms have been replaced by atoms from the halogen series.The replacement confirms non -flammability & Flame extinguishing property to many of the resulting compounds.The use of halogenated hydro carbons as fireTextinguishing media is not permitted in accommodation and living spaces.Halon produce some adverse effect on the atmosphere.It cause depletion of the ozone layer.It is partially responsible for the noticeable warning of the earths atmosphere .Now a days Halon is almost replaced by FM 200(HEPTA FLURO PROPANE).
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