Transmission Of Heat

Heat travels from regions of high temperature to regions of lower temperature. There are three methods by which heat may be transmitted. They are : 




Conduction :                       Conduction may occur in solid ,liquids or gasses ,although it is most clearly present in solids. In conduction heat energy is passed on from one molecule to another. The molecules vibrate about a mean position and pass on heat energy by colliding with their neighbors. The ability to conduct heat vapors from one materiel to another.Most of the materiel conduct heat easily and are classed as Good conductors.

                                          The best conductors heat are silver and copper.Non metallic solids, liquids and gasses are poor conductors of heat .In fire situations thermal conductivity is very important in terms of the danger of fire spread>. A plain steel door subjected to heat on one side conduct heat rapidly to the other side when compared with wooden or fiber glass door.


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