Starvation & Cooling
Limitation or removal of fuel from the scene of fire is known as starvation. The extinction of fire by starvation is applied in three ways.By removing combustible materiel from the neighbor hood of the fire. By removing the fire from the neighbor hood of combustible material By subdividing the burning material.The smallest fire produced may be left to burnout easily rather than extinguishing
limitation or removal of heat from the scene of fire is known as cooling. If the rate at which heat is generated by combustion is less than the rate at which it is dispersed through various agencies, the combustion cannot survive. There for the first step in cooling is to accelerate the speed with which heat is removed fro the fire. When the temperature of the burning mass is reduced, the production of heat is also reduced.As heat flows from a hot body to a cold body ,the cooling medium absorbs the heat from the fire.While pouring water on to the fire some of the water is converted to steam.The steam has produced helps to smothering.
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