Extinguishing media (water)
Water is the cheapest and most readily available medium for extinguishing fires of a general nature. If more water is used than what is actually required to contain and extinguish fire, the surplus will drain off or will sweep through floors & may cause more damage to goods and property than that caused by fire itself.
*The method of using water to extinguishing a fire various according to the size of the fire.
* If only a small quantity of water is required , portable extinguishers expelling water may be used.
* If the fire is beyond the control of hard appliances ,hose reals may be used.
*For major fires when grater quantities of water are necessary ,high capacity pumbs may be employed.
*A variation in the application of the water used can be made by means of nozzles that produce jets or sprays.
Steam in large quantities can be used to smother in fire .In situations where it is readily available .It can be used in fixed installation. Ships & industries having individual compartment are adapting steam to fill the compartment under pressure.
*The method of using water to extinguishing a fire various according to the size of the fire.
* If only a small quantity of water is required , portable extinguishers expelling water may be used.
* If the fire is beyond the control of hard appliances ,hose reals may be used.
*For major fires when grater quantities of water are necessary ,high capacity pumbs may be employed.
*A variation in the application of the water used can be made by means of nozzles that produce jets or sprays
Steam in large quantities can be used to smother in fire .In situations where it is readily available .It can be used in fixed installation. Ships & industries having individual compartment are adapting steam to fill the compartment under pressure.
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