Important Provision Relating to health

Noise hazards:When heavy and high powered machines are used, the same same should  be installed in an isolated cabin or they should be enclosed suitably to reduse noise hazards.  

Health hazard:To prevent occupational disease such as dermatities etc. ,sufficient protective equipment shpuld be given to the workers employeed in such actions.So safety provisions required to be adopted in a factory. 

Cleanliness.It is the responsibility of the management to see that good house keeping is maintained at all the times.Disposal of bwastes ,scraps,effluents etc.should be carried out is and when they arrise.

a, In a factory dirt and waste  should be removed daily. 

b, Once in a week ,the floor or work room is to be washed. 

c, Effective vdrainage of wet materials is to be made. 

Disposal of Waste & Effluent: The tretment and disposal of waste  and effluents due to the manufacturing process  should be effective and allso as per the approved method.  

Over crowding: Overcrowding in the work room is discouraged to avoid ill health of the workers .Generaly nat least 14.2 cubic meters of  space for every worker should be alotted.


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