
Showing posts from April, 2012

Some important terms ( related to gases)

Critical temperature : It is the highest temperature ,above which a gas cannot be liquified by the increase of pressure alone.Critical temperature of CO2 is 31.35c . Critical pressure : The pressure rquierd to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature is called the critical pressure> The critical pressure of CO2 is 73.1 bar.    Sublimation : The change of state from solid directly to gas is known as sublimation.

Requirements of Heat for combustion

Fire is an oxidization process of combustible materiel in the presence of heat , the requirement of heat for different materials differs with their physical nature . combustion will occur or continue only with the attainment of the required temperature. Hence it become necessary to know the flash point,fire point,spontaneous ignition temperature of a substance.   Flash point : It is the lowest temperature at which there is sufficient vaporization of the substance produce   a vapor which will flash momentarily when a flame is applied.  Fire point:   It is the lowest temperature at which the heat from the combustion of a burning vapor is capable of producing sufficient vapor to enable combustion to continue.  Spontaneous ignition temperature: It is the lowest temperature at which the substance will burn with out the introduction of a flame or other ignition source .This implies that under certain conditions some materials undergo spontaneous ignition.

Fire Tetrahedron

                                  The further research about fire determined that a fourth factor  that is , a chemical chain reaction is a necessary component of a fire. Fire triangle was changed to a fire tetrahedron  to reflect this fourth element. A tetrahedron can be described as a solid  having four plane faces .Essential all for element must be present for fire to occur .Removal of any one of these essential elements will result in the fire being extinguished. The four elements are: Oxygen: To sustain combustion (14 to 21% ) sufficient.  Heat: To raise the material to its ignition temperature. Fuel or Combustible material. Chain reaction: Subsequently an exothermic chemical chain reaction .                 ...

Fire combustion

                                            Combustion is a chemical reaction or a serious of reactions in which heat & light are emitted. Three factors such as heat ,oxygen and fuel are necessary for combustion to occur .The burning of most materials produce a flame.                                              Flame may be defined as a reaction having the ability to spread through an atmosphere with the emission of heat & light. combustion is a type of reaction known as chain reaction.Most solid & liquids have to be heated above normal...

Behaviour & Negligence

Today we faced so many problems and incidents in our day to day life . Because the most of them happened from our negligence .The negligence is arise from our mind & culture . So The treatment is need for our concept.The right path of knowledge we can develop only in child hood.So the parents & authority to ensure the mentality of the child ,his grow in good manner through the socialization process.So right education & training  and feed back every thing is evaluated at periodically .We take Road accident for example,Why & how the road accident happening?. Drivers has good knowledge about traffic rules & regulation .They believe nothing will happen. The authority marked road signs & signals ,structure.Then why increasing road accident?, That is to say negligence of rules & regulations of society. So the safety department must ensure  & improve the knowledge & working dimensions About safety b& societal vision ,Its stat from lower level ...

Some important PPE & usage

Usage:                                                                                   PPE: Eye protection                                                                       :Safety goggl e Task: Grinding, sand blasting,power sawing,Laser exposure,chipping,gas cutting,Electric arc welding, welders helper,insulation sprayin...

PPE Training & selection of PPE

It is the important that adequate training should be provide to the employees about PPE selection and its usage pattern.The training area you have to consider while imparting training to employees in the following area : When to wear PPE. What PPE is to worn.  How to don & adjust PPE. The limitation of personal protective equipment. The care & maintenance of PPEs The useful & disposal of PPE.  PPE shall be selected and used to provide protection for all persons on the project against the following hazards: Respiratory hazards. Temperature extremes . Mechanical & Physical injuries. Environmental hazards. Radiological hazards.  Electrical hazards. Biological hazards.  chemical hazards.

General requirement of PPE

Each organisation or Institution using the PPE should develop a procedure to ensure that all personal on the project are provided with appropriate  personal protective equipment  to protect themselves against work related and environmental hazards. The general requirements of PPEs are : The risk posed by any particular work task shall be assessed and where they cant  be fully engineered out , appropriate PPE shall be selected in accordance with the following: *Give adequate protection against risks without itself leading to any increased / alternative exposure. *Suitability for the user . *Compatibility to the work task . *Complies with a recognised international standard. *Fit for purpose. Personal not properly equipped for their task shall not start work.

Selection and provision of PPE s

                            For the respiratory hazard includes the ppe , the respiratory equipments. Respiratory equipments ,Garments and barrier materials used to protect Rescuers and medical personal from exposure to biological, chemical and radio active hazards. Different type of PPE may be used depending on the hazard present.The hazards we can divided in to three category. They are :  Biological.  Chemical .  Radio active.                                   The most common routes of exposure to these hazards include inhalation,skin contact, and ingestion.PPE is to be selected and provided to employees who are assigned duties where hazards cannot be sufficiently abated or r...

Personal Protective Equipments

                          Occupiers are legally bound to reduce the accidents in a work place. This can be achieved both the engineering and management solutions.The exposure of workers to nan unsafe condition may not be classified as an accident but definitely may lead to an accident or health hazard. So one provision for reduce or eliminate the impact of such exposure is to provide a barrier  beet ween the hazard and the worker.                           Personal protective equipment is one such kind of barrier.Personal protective equipment is any physical material or equipment that is placed beet ween the employee and work place hazards to reduce the injury potential of the hazard.

Some important provsins related to safety

In safety we have good knowledge about  hazards, dangerous . But that like very important think is related with fire ,health, environment problems. so we take adequate measures for prevent & control that at minimum loss of harms.


In factory ventilation & temperature must be maintain at required level.  Dust & fumes : Dust & fumes or  other impurity which is likely to be injuries or offensive to the nearby workers should not be allowed to be inhaled and accumulate. a, The point of origin of dust or fume must be enclosed. b, Effective exhaust arrangements should also be made. Latrines & urinals :Sufficient latrine and urinal accommodation with good sanitation ,light,ventilation should be provided.The floor should have smooth  surface.Separate enclosures should be made for female workers.  Drinking water : Cold drinking water facilities for every workers at an easy reach should be provided.It must be at least 8.1 meters away from urinal & latrine point.

Important Provision Relating to health

Noise hazards : When heavy and high powered machines are used, the same same should  be installed in an isolated cabin or they should be enclosed suitably to reduse noise hazards.   Health hazard :To prevent occupational disease such as dermatities etc. ,sufficient protective equipment shpuld be given to the workers employeed in such actions.So safety provisions required to be adopted in a factory.  Cleanliness .It is the responsibility of the management to see that good house keeping is maintained at all the times.Disposal of bwastes ,scraps,effluents etc.should be carried out is and when they arrise. a, In a factory dirt and waste  should be removed daily.  b, Once in a week ,the floor or work room is to be washed.  c, Effective vdrainage of wet materials is to be made.   Disposal of Waste & Effluent : The tretment and disposal of waste  and effluents due to the manufacturing process  should be effective and...

First - aid for shock

Shock is a failure of body  systems to work. It is brought on by reduce blood circulation after sudden illness or accident.   Sign of shock.   Cold ,clammy, pale skin, rapid ,faint pulse, quick ,irregular breathing,weakness  , nausea, blood pressure drops dangerously due to reduced circulation.  In case of shock .  Keep casualty quiet laying down lightly covered to conserve body heat.Put a blanket under the causality if laying on ground.Elevate blower limbs if no fracture is suspected.Loosen tight clothing. Treat causes of shock.Moisten lips with water if casualty compliance of thirst. Do not give any thing to eat or drink. If casualty is unconscious place casualty in recovery  position to allow drainage of fluids.Consult a medical assistance.