Management controls in civil works (safety)

                                                        Due to the nature of both the risks involved & the practise of using multiuple contractors and sub contractors in construction works,the basis of safety lies very much with management control.They place duties on construction companies and individuals who evolved in construction work from the planning & desighn stages through copletion & handover.

The regulation that applay to any construction work excluding: 

Work other than demolition,that does not last longr than 30 days or does not involve more than four people.
Work for domestic client.
Work carried out inside offices & shops or similsr pewrmises with out interupting the normal activities in the permises &with out seperating the construction activities from the other activities.

                                                            The client is the pertson or organisation commissioning the construction work.In the case of an individual or non specilist organisation ,a client agent may be appointed to assume the duties and responcibilities.On completion of the project ,the health & safety file ,which is made & kept during the work must be given to the client ,who must then retain it permenently. The designer must ensure ,sdo far as is resonably practicable ,that all structure are designed to avoid or where this is not possible to mininmise risks to health & safety while they are being builtr,maintained & eventually demolished.


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