Friday 16 March 2012

Illumination levels

The level of illumination prescribed in various Factory areas are: 

Canteen- 150 lux.
Entries-100 lux.
Corridors-100 lux.
Cloak room- 100 lux.
Stair es- 100 lux.

Assembly Shop.

Rough work -150 lux.
Medium work - 300 lux. 

Fine work - 700 lux. 
Very fine work - 1500 lux.
(as per is 3646).
The illumination level required in a work place of factory depends on a number of factors :

1, The age of the worker  and his visual ability .It should be remembered that the workers below 40 of age need only 1/2 to 1/3 of average level of illumination .Where as worker above 40 years of age require 2 to 5 times average illumination levels.

2, Size of the object & the type of work are also other factors,which determine the level of illumination.

3, Contrast beet ween  the object & the back ground is another factor,which should be taken in to account in designing the light arrangements.

4,Glare arises when some part of the field of vision is bright in relation to the general level.The design of lighting arrangement should aim at minimum glare in the work room 

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