First-Aid (safety)

Systematic approch to the first aid.

Quickly assess the situation.Produse alarm and call for healp.Dont panic. Dont rushing the casuality to hospital in unneccesery pain and discomfort.Dont woresening the injuries during transport.Dont in getting the casualities to hospital.
CPR proccedure & rescuer

The cpr procedure depends on the number of rescuer available.

Standared Cpr proccedure One rescuer.

The single rescer is required to give 80 chest compression and about 10 breaths per minutes.To achive this he gives 15 compression in 11 seccond and then 2 breaths and so on.The pulse is checked every 2-3 minutes and CPR continued until the casuality recovers.

Standared CPR proccedure two rescuer.

The rate of compression is now 60/minute.One compression per secconds to push the chest down and half seccond for release It is given in the ratio of 5:1 .For synchronisation of these actions ,the persons giving chest compression will count out loudly.In infant chest compression are given by the tip of  two fingers in the middle of the chest bone in line with the nipple.


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