
Showing posts from February, 2012

Objectives of an emergency planning

To avoid confusion/panic in handling emergency with clear cut line of an action.To prevent emergency from escalation.To prevent any cascade of emergencies.To minimize the loss of property to the firm as well as its neighboring industries.To alert the neighboring industries. Provide rescue and medical care to the injured persons.Minimize the environmental impact of emergency.We handle the emergency without delay  and the emergency plan will periodically revised  as per requirement & conduct mock drills at least once in six months period of intervals .   Good plan will help to earn more.

Some of the emergencies

Fire. Hazardous material incidents. Flood or Flash flood.Hurricane .  Tornado. winter  storm. Earthquake.  Radiological accident. Explosion.  Emergency management is the prosses of preparing of mitigating ,responding to and recovery from an emergency. Emergency management is not a single proccess .But it is a dynamic process.  Planing , thought critical is not the only component.Training ,conducting drills,testing equipment and co-ordinating activities with the community are other important function . To be successful emergency management requires upper management support.

Emergency planing

Every year emergencies take their toll on business and industry in lives and money.But something can be done.Business&  industry can limit injuries and damages and return more  quickly to normal operations if they plan ahead Our effective participation in the all hazard emergency operations planing process to save lives and protect property threatened disaster. An emergency is any unplanned event that can cause deaths or significant injuries to employees ,customers or public or that can shut down your business,disrupt operations cause physical or environmental damage or threaten the facilities financial standing or public image.

First -Aid for unconscious

In safety we need basic fisrt aid & train to all. Clear the mouth.   Check to see if casualty  is still breathing.  Put your ear to casualties nose or mouth and listen. Watch chest to see if it rises and falls or rest your hand lifting on it to feel for movement.  If there no breathing give artificial respiration.If there is no pulse start chest compression. If and when casualty is breathing loosen his clothing at neck & chest & waist.  Turn casualty to recovery position.Open doors & windows for fresh air . Check for injuries or brushes and stem any bleeding.  Get medical assistance  as  soon as possible.

First-Aid (safety)

Systematic approch to the first aid. Quickly assess the situation.Produse alarm and call for healp.Dont panic. Dont rushing the casuality to hospital in unneccesery pain and discomfort.Dont woresening the injuries during transport.Dont in getting the casualities to hospital. CPR proccedure & rescuer The cpr procedure depends on the number of rescuer available. Standared Cpr proccedure One rescuer . The single rescer is required to give 80 chest compression and about 10 breaths per minutes.To achive this he gives 15 compression in 11 seccond and then 2 breaths and so on.The pulse is checked every 2-3 minutes and CPR continued until the casuality recovers. Standared CPR proccedure two rescuer . The rate of compression is now 60/minute.One compression per secconds to push the chest down and half seccond for release It is given in the ratio of 5:1 .For synchronisation of these actions ,the persons giving chest compression will count out loudly.In infant chest compression a...

The needs of First-Aid

In every year many people died & causalities by accident.But the same time the frequency of dead rate is increasing why ?.,because the surrounding people have no knowledge about First Aid. First Aid refers to the initial care given to an injurer or sick person,until definite medical care is accessed.The basic aim of first aid training is to be enable any person to carry out ,timely,scientific First aid measures confidently with adequate fastness with available minimal resources,withot sustaining self injuary. The ABC of first aid is A stand for airway ,clear the airway first.B for breathing.Give artificial breath.C for circulation.RE start heart by manual.   The aim of the first aid are ; Preserve life. Prevent further injury.  Promote fast recovery. If any person need First aid do it first without panic. And carry to hospital or medical support immediately.First aid is not a treatment ,it is only a pr equation for preserve life.

The needs of accident investigation

Accident occur when we fail to prevent hazard penetration and non compliance of safety pr equations.A thorough accident investigation may identify prviousily over looked physical,environmental,administrativeor process hazards,the need of new or more extensive safety training or unsafe work practises.The primary focus of any accident investigation should be the determination of the facts surrounding the incident and the lessons that can be lerned to prevent future similar occurrences.Accident investigation is an aid  in the accident prevention and elimination of clearly identified hazards."Accident investigation is not intended to place blame".

How we can conduct (safety) accident invesatigation

We must reach the site immediately as soon as possible  ;then verify and observe the surroundings.Interview witnesses as soon as possible.Document the accident scene before any changes are made. Take photos,draw scaled sketches,record measurements.Gather support documents,such as maintenance records,reports.production schedules.Record the following things;  Pre accident condition. Accident sequence.Post accident conditions.Document victim location,witnesses,machinery,energy sources and other contributing factors.Even the most insignificant detail may be useful.The investigator should be concentrate on the investigations on hand. Accident investigation do not often to blame any one

Elements of safety Audit

Occupational safety & health policy. HSE organization set up. Education & training.Employees participation in occupational safety management. Motivational and promotional measures. Company Safety manual & rules . Compliance with statutory requirements. New equipments review  and inspection. Accident reporting analysis investigation & implementation of recommendations. Risk assessment including hazard identification. Safety inspection. HSE improvement plan. First -Aid facilities. PPEs,house keeping. Machinery arrangement and guarding. Ventilation,illumination,work enviornment. Prevention of occupational diseases. Provision of medical examination. Safe operating procedure . Work permit system. Fire prevention,protection,fire fighting system and emergency plans. Transportation of hazardose substance. Safety in storage and ware housing. Contractor safety system.Utilities. Fecialities for Library and upgradation of knowledge.  Canteen, security,building & st...

Scop of safety hazards

Hazards are recognised and the worst potential for harm and loss is appreciated  by the management. Appropriate equipment and facilities of correct design are provided to contain and control the hazards. Appropriate staff,provided with sufficient information ,instruction and supervision to operate and maintain the equipment ,system and procedures in a satisfactory manner . Adequate arrangement exist to handle the foreseeable emergencies. Effective arrangement exist for promoting safety,monitoring safety performance and progressing safety issues.

Safety Audit

Safety audit is an important and useful technique to evaluate the effectiveness of the safety system.Its cover organisation,operations and property to discover existing and potential hazards and the  action needed to render these hazards harmless. To give assurance to management that its safety systems are effectively achieving the planned objectives. Highlight problems-auditors will highlight all the findings including non conformity's and observations.After the completion of the audit programme.This result will be high lighted  to top management for their action. Opportunity y to improve - all the non conformity's will be discussed among the management and required action plan will be determined and implemented . The safety audit help to evaluate our safety awareness & complains .So every institutions must do safety audit.