
Showing posts from February, 2013

Precuations (asbestose)

Storage: all asbestos meterials removed from or used on a job shall be stored in an approved container at all times.  Transportation : Approved container shall be used during the transportation of asbestos meterials.All such containers that contain asbestos shall be clearly marked " CAUTION :- HEALTH HAZARD CONTAIN ASBESTOS" SIGN SHALL BE POSTED AT ALL APPROCHES TO THE WORK AREA.Respirator  and protective overalls must be worn when entering this area.Asbestos handling carefully and use adequate clothing and respiratory equipment.

Health hazards

Asbestos fibre bundles can split with small fine fibers breaking away .If inhaled the boady is able to resist most of the large particles ,but fine fibers too small to see can ledge deep in the lungs. this can cause the following diseases:    Asbestosis : It is a formulation of scar tissue in the walls of the alveoli causing thickening and hence slowing the passage of oxygen in to the blood,this causing breathlessness on exertion   .Mesothelioma: It is a type of cancer of the lining around the lungs and  of the abdomen.   Lung cancer: It occures particularly amongest smokers exposed to asbestos. Fibers protecting the lungs are flattened after inhaling cigrette smoke ,so there is less protection againest asbestos fibre.

Asbestos and Health rsk

Asbestos is not a single substances but a group of silicate minerals that are highly fibrous.As it is a part of construction .It is important have the knowledge on asbestos and the risk associated with it when worker are exposed to it.The fibers which are too small to be be visible and heat resistant and strong and flexible enough to be woven.The durability of fibers becomes a problem when they get in to lungs tissue where they can remain for a long time.Most people who have developed asbestos at work.Jobs in which asbestos may be encountered are found in many areas including mining,construction,automotive repair,manufacturing,shipyards ,steelmits etc.However asbestos is naturally occurring minerals and when found in nature.