
Showing posts from September, 2012

Special health and Safety consideration (Excavation

Surface crossing of trenches.  Exposure to falling loads.  Exposure to vehicles . Warning systems for mobile equipment's.  Hazard atmosphere. Emergency rescue. Water accumulation. Inspection.

Hazard associated with excavation works

The major hazards associated with excavation works are Includes:  Collapse of side in (cave in). Persons falling in to excavations .  Striking underground utilities. Persons in excavations being struck by falling materiel. Building or structures collapsing due to excavations.Flooding .  poisoning  due to ground conditions or fumes from plane plant running in to excavations. Plant sinking in to unstable ground.

Ingress & egress in excavation

Access to and exit  from the trench require the following conditions: Trenches 4 feet or more in depth should be provide with a fixed means of egress. Spacing  between   larders  or other means of  egress   must be such that a worker will not have to travel more than  25 feet  laterally  to the nearest means of egress.  Ladders must be secured & extend a minimum of 36" above the landing.  Metal   larders  should be used with caution, ,particularly when electrical utilities are present.

Protective system

Protective systems are the methods of excavation will be decided with the situation and class of soil.  Required for excavations 4 feet or greater in depth.  Protective system refers to a method of protecting employees from cave ins from materiel that could fall or roll from an excavation face or in to an excavation and from the collapse of adjacent structures.  Protective system iuncludes support  systems, sloping ,benching,shielding systems and other systems that provide the necessary protection.

safety in excavation works

Following are the general requirements for an excavation work.  Identification of soil.Decision chart. Soil classification. Daily inspection. Special safety & health consideration. Protective systems.   An excavation is any man made cut, cavity,trench or depression  in an earth surface that is formed by earth removal.

Domestic safety

                           we are use different type of equipments & tools in our home, shop  etc. But how much it is safer ,any body have no idea. Every one should  do our equipment is safe. So   you must learn about the product in detail with its trouble shooting . Keep it from children . this is the first step for domestic safety of our equipment. do correct procedure about  the operation ,its reccomended by by manufacturer only.