Friday 31 August 2012

major causes of crane accidents

Major causes of crane accidents are ;

Over TURNS. 
Mechanical failures.

Accidents occur due to the following reasons: 
Instability: Unsecured load,load capacity exceeded or ground not level or too soft.

 Lack of communication: the point of operation is a distance from the crane operator or not in fall view of the operator.
Lack of the training. 
Adequate maintenance & inspection.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Rescue team

 Duties & responsibilities of rescue team :

Familiar with the confined space and potential rescue problems.

Trained in first aid and CPR. 

Understand confined space entry procedures.

Knows how to rescue practises the rescue procedures  regularly at the spaces. 

Knows  symptoms and  treatment of hazardous exposure.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Entry supervisor

The duties of entry supervisor are the following: 

Authorizes  the confined space entry . 

Sees that all test And procedures  are done .

Oversees follow up tests  done during the entry.

Terminate the entry permit when work is done or if a problem develop.

Determines that all team members and equipment are in place and ready.

Friday 10 August 2012

The entrants

Following are the duties &responsibilities of entrants:

 Enter the confined space to work.
Sign in and out  at the log.
Know the hazard of the space.
Understand the information on the entry permit . 
Personnel check to see that  all listed hazards are controlled.
Wear all required safety equipment and PPE.
Stay in contact with the attendant at all times.
Inform attendant when self commissioning exit.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

The attendent

Following are the duties are the function of an attendant: 

Remain station out side the confined space  at all times during entry operations.
Maintaining an accurence count of all persons inside confined space.
Recognize potential permit space hazards & monitor conditions to ensure that a safe atmosphere remains.
Prevent entry of unauthorized  personnel in con fined space.
Maintain continuous communication with authorised entrants.
Authorise evacuation of confined spaces when hazardous conditions or permit valuation exit.
Contact advanced rescue personnel in case of an emergency.

Friday 3 August 2012

The qualified person

                                         Qualitative or competitiveness person will be an employee who by virtue of training and or experience is capable of authorising confined space entry.He is who determines atmosphere conditions and  validating an entry permits .He has the  authority to cancel  or terminate entry permits at his discretion if hazardous condition arise or are suspected.

 Duties are following are the qualified person:

Use & calibration monitoring equipment.
Hazard communication.
Respiratory protection.
Permit authorization& termination.
Hazard recognition.
Contacting advance Rescue personnel in case of an emergency.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Confined space entry team

Following are the personal or team  getting involved in a confined space entry.

Qualified person
Entry supervisor 
Rescue & emergency service

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Motivating employees to improve workplace health and safety is an essential aspect of any successful safety program. Here are some motivatio...