
Showing posts from January, 2012

Technology& safety

We are lives in new technological fast going era.So we must care full about new arrivals and we can able to detect un healthy conditions .So we can use our ability for predict or foreseen dangerous situations & equipments in front of us (society).We up to date our knowledge about which we using.Today the most of the accident happened by vehicles , construction , industrial Field.But the mos secure and at the same time is most dangerous zone is atomic sector.While there is a high precaution area are so we have good knowledge about the hazards and precautions.

Some natural pollution/contamination

Today we are made so many things & experiments for our Living surroundings up gradation.But we through our wast to the surroundings ,it will create pollution and it lead to health problems.the contamination from the part of human being is more than compared with others.Some of the contamination's are following; De-forestation's.making of large bore wells. Concreting. Use of plastics. Use of highly concentrated chemicals,use of high poisonous fertilisers in agriculture. Killing of willed animals & birds. High poisonous chemicals use in river area. Digging of sand.building of dams across the river. Atomic usage and its radiation. Throwing of waste into nature. We are human being ,so we have the capacity for identify which is right and bad . So think first ,then Do.

Harms associated with nature

We are live in nature ,so we have the obligation to protect the environment from hazards.That is, the harms are created by human beings not by the nature.So we can remove every disaster associated  with human error.The human thinking ability is increase ,he make tools for their survive and he use nature for their own purpose & when he was start to suck natural juice from environment ,the nature has depleted & contaminated.For example ; The human being when start to use plastic that the time was started pollution.The pollution or contamination that like every thing was man made.The other animals are love to nature and survive well with nature. the human being is now started destroying forest for build there own profit purpose,& he killed wiled animals.that also depleting love from the we face so many consequences from the after effect of man created natural hazards. So every one should love with nature & give a care to nature.

Life and Enviornment

Today in the society most of the people are   facing so many risk in their life .Because they have a aim ,so they will  continuously hard work for achieving their goals.That is the aim is may be economical stratification,job ,marriage,peace,love,kinship relations & maintenance, children's future etc. But they doing everything ,some times they forgot their life safety . Because their running speedily in the life vehicle,in the journey of the life they miss some valuable things &they do not give any support to the world &environment.In our growth we should ensure we do any thing ,with safely and give adequate support for otherssafely doing things.No carbon foot prints to environment and protect the nature from environmental hazards

How we make JSA

Identify  the scope of work.Identify all the activities & step related to work.Identify all hazard associated with each step.Then identify the hazardous main roots & make preventive and implementing solution for the identified hazard.The JSA report we can use to give initial HSE training,planed HSE contacts,Hse observations .Give pre-job HSE instructions.The data's use for job training & Hse updations.So every one should prepare JSA associated with their jobs.And done Job hazard analysis all so.

Identification of JSA required area

Identify very potential danger work area .Take High risk related job.Then identify the hazard or potential harms associated with each step of the job.Develop solution for eliminate or prevent such hazards. The JSA make excellent training  tool for the new employees and job transfers & give refresher course. In preparing for conduct JSA take job with the highest injury or illness rate.Jobs with potential to cause severe injury or high harms . Jobs in which one simple human error could lead to severe accident.Jobs with new procedure & equipment or machinery's. Job place take on priority base for JSA. One more thing is that To do a JSA take an experienced worker and tell with him that you are going to observe while his performance of the job.

Importance of Job Safety Analysis

Many workers are injured and killed at the work place every day.So must establish proper job procedures.Safety & health promotion add value to business,job ,life . Good health & safety ,JSA can prevent work place injuries & illness. For eliminate work place hazards by practising job hazard analysis.JSA is a technique that focuses on job tasks as a way to identify hazard before occur .The JSA focuses worker.the task, the tools and working environment are generally.JSA help to find the root cause of hazard by divide the job steps and analyse & observe it,and make correct applicable procedure for prevention hazards & eliminate the risk level.

Safety management in a site or Idustry

If we take the safety measures on the project stage  The management should make the obligation to make the work environment & latest technology use in safety .Government  agencies must exercise more control in the project.All department should coordinate with safety department so it help to  reduce unsafe conditions greatly . About 90%accident is caused and it lead to human failure .It must point out that ,there is need prop per education about their work & safety programmes .conduct safety exhibition, safety film shows for the employees,for refresher their safety concept and improve their mentality .In some times the employees are failure to compile the safety rules & regulations .So we must conduct necessary training and must enforce them to obey and practise safety in their whole life.Otherwise give penalties &  punishment.e

Accident prevention through different methods

The most of the people work in a construction sites or industrial Area or domestic.they come from different educational back ground and they have different behaviour,morale,culture,attitude etc.So we create good safety& healthy climate .For create safety &healthy atmosphere by enforce and strictly follow safety rules.And develop a unique safety & health attitude.obey goo safety practises ,the good safety practise achieved by some methods we can take.They are ; By education .By Engineering. By enforcing.  By increase enthusiasm.  By enforcement . By evaluation. Finely by Follow good HR management & Strict Safety Rules.

How we can develop preventive measures

The preventive measures we can developed only when sufficient knowledge about the hazards,source of accident etc. So we must try to collect maximum data and analysis  the data. The cause of accident can be obtained from the group of common factors lading to similar accident accident.Knowledge of unsafe act & unsafe conditions,types of human failure and the root cause etc. are Important for studying the causation of accident.So the analyst must a competent person .We need past accident records and data's ,collect the preventive measures for studying . So we collect the accident data's from other similar nature of industries,after the analysis of data's and investigation reports give the root cause and sub cause of potential danger or symptoms behind accident .

The frequency of development and safety

Today we are entering to a super technological era.So we need new technologies for development in our carrier,life,more ever for build nation.So the development is neccesery ,we going forward for  achieving our goles ,on the journey produce some harms.That is we can explain very easily by the help of Newtons law of motion (every action create equal & opposite reaction),we do any thing that give some final product,that the product may be good or bad.For example,if we produce fire with wood it give heat,smoke,light.the main purpose of fire is heat,the others are some side product ,it harm to we do any work ,minimise the side effect by adequate safety masseurs.we return back to our subject,in the ancient period the the technology is very simple so the risk for harm is simple .in the modern periods the technology innovations Create complicated safety problems,so the risk of harm is moderate .but in the supper technological period machinery's are very complicated &saf...